Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 33 of 90 Devotion

Dearest e-votees-

Day thirty-three of our cover to cover voyage through the Bible. If you want to see the readings for our trip through the Bible you can follow this link:



Day 33 Readings: 2 Chronicles 23:16-35:15

This book of 2 Chronicles lays out in the plainest form how often the people forgot or simply flat out disobeyed God's instructions. All sorts of calamities befell those who by omission or commission did differently when it came to God's desires for pure and holy worship. Lives were ended and great griefs endured when the people strayed from God's path.

But at the end of today's reading the people remember. [again] And promise to do better. [again] And God receives them. They celebrate the Passover which was to have been an annual meal of remembrance that apparently has fallen into great disuse. But God allows them to get up and try again after having fallen the umpteenth time.

It sounds like not everyone may have been properly prepared for the Passover meal. And that not everyone was doing exactly what they should. Nonetheless, God seems to accept the effort of the people to remember.

The worst thing you can do to a relationship is forget. That is why "shunning" (feigning non-recognition, deliberate forgetting) is such a painful punishment in communities that practice such. God wants us to remember. That is why there is Passover. God wants us to remember. That is why there is Communion. God wants us to remember which is why the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, is sent to bring all things to our remembrance.

As we draw near to Pentecost this Sunday let us be stirred to remember God and all God's goodnesses to us. May our remembrances bring God joy.

God, help us to never forget you. Help us never forget the ways you invite us to remember you. Draw our hearts, minds, souls and strengths into your loving embrace. Amen.

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