Monday, December 7, 2020

Speaking and Singing Word to One Another

 Dearest e-votees,  

Today is a day set aside in the church to commemorate Ambrose, the bishop of Milan.

Ambrose is credited with the innovation of singing hymns antiphonally.  (One person sings part of the psalm and the gathered group responds with the next portion or the antiphon).

Many worship services to this day practice responsive reading or singing as a way to share in God's word together.  



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There are lots of ways to confess our sins and to be assured of God's forgiveness.  Confession and absolution are important parts of our worship services.  Often the congregation as a whole confesses and the pastor offers a word of absolution.  That is good and salutary.  Sometimes the weight and burden of the guilt lead one to offer confession in a one-on-one setting with an offended party or with a member of the clergy.  The words of absolution from one who has been wronged or on behalf of the church and God through a called minister are also good and salutary.

But what speaks quite powerfully to me and through me is when a community practices responsive confession and forgiveness.  Part of the gathered community offers a word of confession.  The other part of the gathered community receives that confession and then speaks a word of forgiveness and absolution.  Immediately thereafter the groups switch parts so that all confess and all speak forgiveness.  I like this because it powerfully embodies for me the mutual consolation of the saints.  All of us are sinners and need to confess.  All of us are called to speak forgiveness and good news to those who seek comfort in the gospel.  

I am not a big fan of hierarchy and power differentials.  When people come into the church looking for the boss I often quip that I'm middle management.  I may have the honor, privilege and responsibility of serving in an ordained capacity but I am just as desperately in need of grace and forgiveness as anyone else.  

The responsive confession and forgiveness feels good and right to me.  Please know that you are a beloved child of God and forgiven this day.  If you see me around please remind me of those things as well.  

Dear God, shape us into your people as we speak and sing your words between ourselves.  Help us bear one another well and bear you well to one another.  Amen.

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