Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 1 of 90 Devotion

Dearest e-votees-

Today marks the first day of our cover to cover voyage through the Bible. If you care to read along you can find links to the assigned Bible passages at:



Day 1 Readings: Genesis 1:1-16:16

In sixteen chapters are chronicled the creation of the world, the origins of humanity, the entrance of sin into the world, the destruction of humanity (less 8, not coincidentally the number of sides of a baptismal font [see 1 Peter 3:20-21]), the spreading of human inhabitation and languages and the covenant made with the forefather of Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Scholars and historians have spilled much ink over what is literal and what is figurative in these writings. To all this one might say “I don’t know if this really happened but I know it is true.” In other words, some of this may not be literal but it bears a deep and abiding truth.

Portions of that truth include:

• There is a God and all humanity bears God’s likeness
• There is in us humans a deep and abiding desire to push away from God and God’s plans for us
• God desires, in spite of that rebellion, to be in relationship with us
• Our history is shaped and guided by God’s interactions with our ancestors
• Even in the very earliest moments of our separation from God, God has been providing hints and glimpses of the forthcoming salvation
• Salvation is intended for many as Abram’s family will be plentiful

Jesus coming into the world (prologue of John resonates deeply with prologue of Genesis), striking the serpent’s heel and saving through water are all set up through the first 16 chapters of the Bible. God’s plan has a long arc and God’s desire is that all who would come shall be saved. Thanks be to God.

God, draw us up into your ancient stories. Speak to us and our modern dilemmas. Continue to make us into your people. Amen.

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