Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 5 of 90 Devotion

Dearest e-votees-

Day five of our cover to cover voyage through the Bible. It’s time for the Exodus. If you care to follow along you can find links to the assigned Bible passages at:



Day 5 Readings: Exodus 1:1-15:18

God’s deliverance through the hands and office of Joseph has faded into the past. The Hebrew people have been enslaved by Pharaoh. God has chosen Moses to be his agent of deliverance:

· Moses disqualifies himself as “one with trembling lips” and compels Aaron into service
· Moses does what God requires and still Pharaoh rejects the request for 9 plagues (with God’s hardening of his heart involved)
· Moses et al finally depart while celebrating the first Passover (forerunner for communion)
· Moses et al safely escape the clutches of the Egyptians, the pursuing army doesn’t fare nearly so well

God will call us into service (word “vocation” comes from Latin for “calling”). We may disqualify ourselves or press others into service.

We may do exactly as God requires and stirs and see little result. The call is to be faithful and let God worry about the effective.

When God’s time is right the fruits and the celebrations of God’s labor will be made manifest. It is our joy to regularly celebrate what God has and what God will do.

We will escape whatever clutches at us safely. Eternal life has begun and we have already been snatched from the hands of death. Those who beset will have God to contend with.

God, help us to know your calling. Help us to lean on your strengths and giftings and not our own understandings and posturings. Help us trust you for your results, in your time to your glory. Thank you that our fates are securely and graciously in your hands. Amen.

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